The Impact of Colonial Mentality on HealthCare Delivery Systems,
Striving for Equitable Systems of Care

Please join academic partner and subject matter expert, Dr. Christopher King, PhD, FACHE, Associate Professor of the Department of Health Systems Administration at Georgetown University, on a pre-recorded e-learning opportunity continuing the 2020-2021 Cultural Linguistic Competency Project.

C: 1/4 Text Column

This section is primarily for a form feature. It is a 2-column layout with a block of text on one side, and a form on the other.

Column Order

The default layout is to have 'Text' on the left, and 'Form' on the right. Use the "Swap Columns" toggle in the variables section of the editor to change the order.

F: Text & Buttons

This section layout is a single column for the maximum width of text for the page. Use the content editor to insert text and embedded images in this section.

G: Card Deck

This section layout is a single column for the maximum width of text above the cards. If you do not want to place text here, right-click the and choose "Clear Element" of the "Section G Text" element to remove everything.

Card A title

This is a callout card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to a call to action. In the card footer, you can edit the button with the HTML edit feature, or just replace it with text of your own.

Card B title

This card is used to demondstrate a different button style. You also can change the number of cards with the "Add" or "Remove" card control.

Card C title

The images that you use should be the same width and height. For best results, use a 400px wide image. This card can be removed, also.

Card D title

You can set different button styles by changing the class from "btn-link" to the another. Click the button below to view the available styles.

H: Video

This is a text block that you can use before the video. If you don't need it, just right click and "Clear Element" the editor's Elements pane.